Janis Deinats

Jānis Deinats – SCENES II / The Edge of the World

Posted on April 8th, by fineart in Exhibitions & Projects. No Comments

Where are we? What is this space, which encompasses us? How does time pass around us and what is it? Do we realise the true proportions between ourselves and the world? Essentially, each of us is always in several spaces (places) and times simultaneously. It only seems to us that around us, everything is more or less homogenous, constant and linear.It turns that we live within coordinates in which it is quite amusing to talk about stability or predictability. In truth, it is an infinite labyrinth and network of time in which we seek the right path throughout our lives. An endless overlapping of reality and feelings, a mingling into something resembling a wavelike “soup”. In reality, one can even talk about a continual feeling of finding oneself on the “edge of the world”, something akin to a border zone … Read More »