Arnis Balčus

Latvian Landscape

Posted on February 13th, by fineart in Exhibitions & Projects. No Comments

Five Latvian photographers (Arnis Balčus, Reinis Hofmanis, Alnis Stakle, Iveta Vaivode and Ilze Vanaga) and five scholars (Sergei Kruk, Klāvs Sedlenieks, Kārlis Vērpe, Laine Kristberga and Ivars Austers) have co-created a unique interdisciplinary study of contemporary Latvian landscape. Since 2013, they have worked in pairs (scholar/photographer) to create five semantically linked series of photographs and five essays, approaching a specific topic through both the photographic narrative and text. The overarching theme of the book is landscape, which is construed as a surface for contemplative viewing, a stage for a quaint or ordinary event and, beyond any doubt, a catalyst for an individual’s becoming who they are only when embraced by a particular landscape.

Arnis Balčus solo exhibition – Victory Park

Posted on August 6th, by fineart in Exhibitions & Projects. No Comments

The Victory Park embodies the historical trauma of a small Baltic nation. Once built to symbolise Latvian independence, now the park together with the Victory monument stands for Russian chauvinism, the Russian-speaking community, and the Soviet occupation. The monument looms over the skyline of Latvian capital Riga, every day reminding of the controversial issues it signifies. It constitutes an element in formation of the Latvian identity, which is often constructed in juxtaposition to the Other, the Other being that of the Other sex or Other ethnicity. In this body of work the images echo with the historical events, political contradictions, and the author’s personal vision in contemporary landscapes of the park. These reflections are filled with melancholy, drama, and fear, creating a subjective look to a sensitive place in the Latvian capital.

Exhibition specs

• White ash-tree moulding • Archival Quality … Read More »

“…lai gadījums kļūtu par notikumu…”

Posted on October 7th, by fineart in Exhibitions & Projects. No Comments

ABLV Bank kolekcija topošajam Laikmetīgās mākslas muzejam.

Izstādes intereses centrā ir stāsti. Mākslas darbi kā stāsti, kolekcija kā stāsts par laikmetu, ko kolekcija pārstāv, izstāde kā stāsts par kolekciju un tās mākslas darbiem.

Izstādi veidos četras tematiskas daļas – cilvēks, ainava, sociums, sajūtas – universālas kategorijas, kas iezīmē pieturas punktus ABLV Bank kolekcijas izprašanā. Sadaļa Cilvēks iepazīstina ar darbiem, kas fokusējas uz indivīdu, izceļot to kā personību, laikmeta liecinieku, antropoloģiskas intereses objektu. Mākslas darbi, kas grupēti sadaļā Ainava, tiecas fiksēt vidi un faktūru, kas veido mūsu dzīves telpas specifiku, aptverot gan lauku, gan pilsētas, gan informācijas plūsmas un mediju radītās ainavas. Sociums iezīmē teritoriju, kurā norisinās procesi, kas saistīti ar sabiedrību, tās kolektīvo atmiņu, vēstures pārvērtēšanu, varas spēlēm, ideoloģiju sadursmēm, provokācijām un komentāriem. Sajūtas apkopo darbus, kuros mākslinieki mēģinājuši fiksēt domu, sajūtu, skaņu, teksta vibrācijas un nospiedumus, kas meklējami ārpus ikdienas valodas … Read More »